Thursday, August 28, 2014

May 2007, Hay Creek

It is so strange to me to look at this first documented trip to Hay Creek.  I think our pup Zephyr was only a few months old here, and Penelope just a year.  Now, Penny sports a raccoon's eyes and white muzzle and she limp for a bit after charging around the creek like this.  Sometimes I think of rewinding, of watching this again.  I know that we all have these cycles and they're what it's all about, but to see this, to see all this energy--oh, it's sweet, and I feel a little yearn-y for it, just like I do when I see my babies fresh from the womb.

We had a lot more land to streak across.  Now that's all built up--it's a tall hill of sand.  And that last photograph--I had forgotten they paved the paths here, so in the beginning, there were tracks of dirt.  Now we have to watch for bikers zipping by before we tumble into the woods.

It's our go-to spot now.  Has been, every warm month. 

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