Tuesday, December 23, 2014

from grades to skeins

Tucked beneath the wispy bits of pattern and wound wool is my makeshift grading book.  I promised myself I could do two things once my grades were turned in:  I could read a thick escape book (Outlander) and I could finally, finally start my first doll.

Grades are in, and not without my daughter drawing those little octopus faces she's becoming famous for all over.  And here is the beginnings of something I hope will grow.  I have a little crush on her and though I have a recipient in mind, I might have to keep her, just to have physical evidence ready of progress and first loves.  She has pins for eyes and a mouth, reminders where her own face might emerge.  It's a steep learning curve for me:  I'm learning the ladder stitch, and I haven't embroidered on soft sculpture before, aside from the tiny Waldorf style doll beside her.

I'm not sure how long it takes before I will feel comfortable enough to make these dolls for people I do not know--when they will stop being gifts and will start being a part of my humble handmade business.  I have a list of people I'd like to make dolls for, and have begun sketching out ideas for motifs, but I'm trying to restrict myself as little as possible while I figure out what my place is in this fascinating world of toymaking.

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